Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Hostess Twinkie Truffles

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Size 12 is Too Big

Poured into a gold swimsuit, Make Me A Supermodel winner Jen Hunter looks as if this outfit was custom-made for her.
But the one-piece triggered a furious row about stick-thin models when her rival finalist Marianne Berglund appeared painfully underweight in the same attire.
Jen Hunter, age 24, is a contestant on a British Reality TV show. She's a healthy size 12 and was reduced to tears by judges, who gave her harsh words because she "wasn't taking the exercise and diet program seriously". Can you believe this! If this isn't just a snapshot of how sick and twisted things are....I don't know what is. Talk to me people.Daily+Mail Jen+Hunter Size+12 Make+Me+A+Supermodel
Monday, December 04, 2006
Welcome to My Trailer Park

Monday, November 27, 2006
HBO "Thin" -Real Life is More Painful

- I have an almost 13-year-old girl who is not "concentration camp" thin----and I have trouble finding her clothes!
- I have an 8 year old that can wear a size SMALL---for Women's t-shirts!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Only a Friend Would Dress Your Kid Like a Hooker

Friday, November 24, 2006
Pug Bowling

Thursday, November 16, 2006
Pottery Barn versus Reality-Thanksgiving Craft

- Who is going to take little Tommy to the ER after Molly pokes him with the scissors?
- If they kids want to be involved, why not involve them in cleaning the guest bathroom before company arrives? Guest bath is currently a Barbie pool so taking the naked Barbies out of the sink would be nice.
- If kids want something to do, why not have them help Mom and Dad with the Thanksgiving meal? Or at least get Uncle Bob a beer from the frig while he watches the football game?
- Glue before a meal? If they eat the glue, they won't eat their dinner.
- What do you suggest when the newly created centerpiece becomes a football?
- My nephew thought it would be funny to make the turkey anatomically correct. Would you like to take a photo of his centerpiece for next year's catalog?
- Do you have any other completely insane suggestions from LALA land?
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
White Trash Mom Holiday Shortcut #1

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Spam Burrito for Pesky Relatives

Recipe By :
Serving Size : 6 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories : Main Dish Breakfast
Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1 cn SPAM Luncheon Meat, cubed
-(12 oz)
4 Eggs
2 tb Milk
1 tb Butter or margarine
6 Flour tortillas (6")
1 c Shredded Cheddar cheese,
1 c Shredded Monterey Jack
-cheese, divided
CHI-CHI's Salsa to Taco
Heat oven to 400'F. In bowl, beat together SPAM, eggs,
and milk. Melt butter in large skillet; add egg
mixture. Cook, stirring, to desired doneness. Fill
each tortilla with SPAM mixture and half of cheeses.
Roll burrito; place seam side down on 12x8" baking
dish. Sprinkle remaining cheese over top of burritos.
Bake 5-10 minutes of until cheese is melted. Serve
with salsa.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Pottery Barn Versus Reality During the Holidays

- make buckets of money
- are concentration camp THIN
- bake homemade bread
- design craft projects for your kids
- speak Mandarin Chinese fluently
- romp like a sex kitten with your man
- None of the children are picking their noses
- The children are not squabbling
- All kids have clean, non stained clothing
- None of the older kids are trying to sample Uncle Jack's "toddy"
- There is no dog nearby getting fed under the table
- No children are whining
- No one is sick (there is always a sick one, every holiday)
- And finally---the plates and utensils actually match.
Center for the Prevention of Shopping Cart Abuse

Saturday, November 11, 2006
Watch Out Pet Food Pranksters!

Thursday, November 09, 2006
Dysfunctional Family Letter Generator

Monday, November 06, 2006
Trust but Verify-Kid Sick Days

Duct Tape as a Babysitter?

Quizlaw brought a news story to my attention. Quizlaw is a great blog, if you don't read it.
The story-There was a recent Florida incident where a mom used DUCT TAPE her kids together while she went to work. Another case study for mothers that should not have kids. Luckily, neighbors heard the crying children and called the police. You can read the story of this mother of the year by clicking on today's title "Duct Tape Babysitting".
The incident is scary and horrid enough...but my peeps at Quizlaw (always twisted) began offering the QUIZ LAW BRAND BABYSITTING TAPE.
I am not laughing at child abuse. But the "duct tape as a babysitter" is so wrong...and so stupid that it is a ripe subject for dark humor. Anyone? Bueller? And is it me or do more of these incidents seem to happen in Florida?
Thursday, November 02, 2006
The Mommy Blog-Melinda Roberts

New Fun Friends at the New School!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Catholic Holy Day-All Saints Day
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Pink Flamingo Crisis

On this day of Halloween, we all need to take a moment and reflect on the closing of the company that produced the ORIGINAL plastic pink flamingo. The pink flamingo, a WT cultural icon beloved by shallow and tacky Americans on it's way to extinction. I don't need to tell my WT readers what a serious matter this is.
Here is the story about the pink flamingo crisis, from one of my favorite websites,
Read the info at but to sumarize: Union Products Inc., the original manufacturer of the plastic pink flamingo, will close its doors by Nov. 1, according to the company’s president.
It's a dark day in WT America my friends. Pop open a cold one right now in your trailer and remember the good times.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Dear Abby vs White Trash Mom
The problem is my father. Dad is very physically affectionate, even against the will of our daughter. For example, if she walks past him, he'll grab her and squeeze her and kiss her while she struggles to break free. It's all in the spirit of a playful hug, but it bothers my wife and me to hear and see our little daughter say "No!" and struggle to get away while he says things like, "No, I'm not going to let you get away. This is what a granddad does."
My father imposes the same behavior on me, coming up behind me and forcibly hugging me while I cook, wash dishes or some other task. When I say this makes me uncomfortable, he either acts offended or makes fun of me. His aggressive demand for physical affection is becoming an issue with us. But when we say things like, "Let her go" or "Respect her boundaries," my parents make light of the situation. In fact, my mother said on her last visit, "Your daughter HAS no boundaries!"
What can we do to protect ourselves and our kids from my father's aggression without hurting his feelings or starting a fight? -- ANXIOUS DAD IN OHIO
Here is the reply from DEAR ABBY:
DEAR ANXIOUS DAD: Perhaps back in the day when your parents were raising you, children didn't have boundaries, but times and circumstances have changed. Today, parents teach children to assert themselves if someone's touch makes them uncomfortable so they will be less submissive if an adult tries to take advantage of them.
There may not be a way to protect yourselves and your children from your father without "hurting his feelings" or "starting an argument." People as insensitive to the feelings of others as he appears to be are usually hypersensitive when it comes to their own.
Because your father (and mother) refuse to accept YOUR boundaries when you ask him to let your daughter go, recognize that his time with your children should be severely curtailed until they're old enough to fight him off. And the next time he grabs you from behind, don't "suggest" that it makes you uncomfortable; INSIST that he let you go.
DEAR ABBY has been giving good advice for years. I can't say that her advice is not good. However, White Trash Mom, has a little different, a more DIRECT approach communicating with "Anxious Dad" about his creepy dad and mom.
DEAR ANXIOUS DAD: Quit being a wuss! Your dad and mom, while I am sure they don't realize it, are being totally creepy. Okay---I am being NICE when I say that they don't realize it. They probably DO REALIZE it and they don't care! People that say things like "Children Don't HAVE Boundaries" make me break into hives.
I question whether or not you have explored all the "issues" that you have with your dad, if he comes up and GRABS YOU and you don't feel comfortable----and you're a grown man. Think of how bad it makes your little girl feel!
Get a backbone for God's sakes! If it creeps you out-----it has to really upset your daughter! I understand you don't want to create conflict but the creepy parents you have are acting like bullies-----and bullies respond ONLY to force. I understand that things change with generations but they don't respect you or your family. Protect your daughter.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Muffia Headquarters-DISCOVERED!

Monday, October 16, 2006
If Shopping is a Disease, I'm Terminal.

When Lucille Schenk finally sought help for compulsively buying jewelry, New York psychologist April Lane Benson advised her to have a "conversation" with the jewelry before she made her next purchase, as a way to put some distance between herself and her compulsion. "I would say, ‘You are so beautiful, I can’t live without you; I love the way you sparkle,’" recalled Schenk, 62, in an interview. "The jewelry would say back, ‘You need me. You look pretty when you wear me.’ I would say, ‘I do need you. I can’t possibly think of being without you. But something has to change. I need to stop this. I can’t afford a penny more.’"
There is really nothing to say in response, is there? I have an idea for Ms. Schenk. Next time she has an urge to purchase jewelry, she could just pay ME the money and I COULD TALK TO HER (instead of the jewelry).
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
White Trash Mom Flunks Out

Friday, October 06, 2006
You Can't Fix Stupid

Debby and her monkey can't eat at Crackerbarrel

Apparently, Debby's phobia is only helped if she can have "Richard" with her. "Richard", who is a bonnet macaque monkey, is the only reason Debby can go out to Cracker Barrel or whatever other restaurant she chooses. Monkeys are generally permitted under the Americans with Disabilities Act if they perform certain tasks, as capuchin monkeys have been trained to fetch groceries from shelves for wheelchair-using patrons. However, animals that provide only emotional support fall into a gray area, according to a U.S. Justice Department spokesperson quoted by the Springfield News-Leader. [ABC News-AP, 9-16-06]
Two questions: WHY ARE THESE PEOPLE ALWAYS NAMED DEBBY? Why in the name of God did the restaurants allow DEBBY to bring in a flea ridden monkey into their establishments? EW!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Plain Jane Mom
Dear WTMs, Found another cool blog. PLAIN JANE MOM. Check out her recent entry about the idiot parents that park in front of the fire hydrant at school drop-off.
ANOTHER day where some mom parks in front of the fire hydrant at preschool. Good lord people, don’t you get it? I don’t want my kids on fire. If you want that for your kids, please take care of it on your own time.
And then she gets all mad when I very politely mention that she’s in front of the hydrant. In fact, I’ve gotten quite good at this little spiel because I do it about once a month. And that is just the folks who do this when I happen to be there.
Sigh, can you guess how popular I am at this school?
Get this gal a margarita with my best friend, SENOR PATRON! Go here to check out Plain Jane Mom.Wednesday, October 04, 2006
WTM Blog Updates
Thursday, September 28, 2006
White Trash Mom Troop Beverly Hills Camp Out Part Two
Friday, September 22, 2006
White Trash Mom Troop Beverly Hills Camp Out

Wednesday, September 20, 2006
ADDDDDDDD & White Trash Mom

Tuesday, September 19, 2006
A Backpack is NOT a Weapon
Friday, September 15, 2006
Bad WTM This Week, Good School News

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Love that Deep Fried Coca Cola!

There really isn’t anywhere to go from here. Using a lethal combination of American know-how, a perverse imagination, and appallingly poor culinary sensibilities, Abel Gonzalez, Jr. has invented the laser-guided, heat-seeking nuclear stealth missile of junk food—deep-fried Coca-Cola.
Granted, I am no fan of junk food, although I’m pretty live-and-let-live when it comes to other people’s preferences. But this sounds like revolting overkill, like topping off your bowlful of Lucky Charms with a handful of Gummi Worms. On the bright side, if you strapped down Nicole Richie and force-fed her a couple of these monstrosities, she’d probably look like John Travolta as he continues to come to terms with his inner who-knows-what.
Thank you AGENT BED HEAD for finding just another example of why most of America is overweight. Grab a Deep Fried Coke and throw in some pork rinds and some funnel cakes! YUM!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Super Nanny Marathon