Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A Backpack is NOT a Weapon

Dear WTMs, Please go to one of my favorite songs in order to flashback to my day:
They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha Ha They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa. They're coming to take me away, ho ho, he he, ha ha, To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time And I'll be happy to see those nice young Men in their clean white coats and They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!
The song listed above (with link included) kind of sums up my day. I know are of you are familiar with the kind of day that STARTS out with the words:
If you are a mom (or a dad) you've had days like today. It's in the manual. There is no need to relive the day-from-hell. I just wanted to post the appropriate "Song of the Day" with a few choice words, for those that need a reminder why birth control is sometimes a good idea. Dig if you will, sisters in WT, some of the words that ACTUALLY CAME OUT OF MY MOUTH TODAY: "A BACKPACK IS NOT A WEAPON!" "Let's just drive over and talk to Father Kent. You can explain to HIM why you think it is so COOL to do the sign of the cross BACKWARDS" "A BARETTE IS NOT A WEAPON!" "If I had to be either Lindsey Lohan or Britney Spears, I would be neither" "A PUG IS NOT A WEAPON!" I don' t need to go on. Let's just say that Monday happened on Tuesday today at WTM's house. Let's hope Wednesday is more like Friday. Or I better get a Senor Patron IV.


Blogger queen of wt said...

Hi surfing mama and I am so glad you posted here! The readers of this blog and other mom blog writers are great and I am sure you will get good responses!

9/22/2006 4:17 AM  

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