Friday, October 06, 2006

You Can't Fix Stupid

Dear WTMs, Per one of my favorite blogs, CeleBITCHY, an update on Britney's husband, K-Fed: Here’s K-Fed partying it up in Vegas. As D-Listed points out, that stupid custom bling looks like a Pepperidge Farm Chessman cookie. Page Six reports that philandering K-Fed, who is currently partying with random women while his wife tends to their one year-old and newborn baby. The gurus at CeleBITCHY go on to tell us that K-FED will make about $10 million bucks if he and Brit split. I feel the need to write Britney a letter from her mentor, WT Mom. Stay tuned.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

$10M to get rid of Federline? Shit, worth every penny if you ask me. I'm sure we could collect that much in donations within a week.

10/06/2006 8:57 PM  
Blogger said...

Heh, Zero Boss is right! Worth every penny. Hell, you couldn't pay me to stay married to him. I am really astounded that their 'marriage' has lasted this long.

10/08/2006 10:14 PM  
Blogger NeverEnough said...

Why does she stay with this loser???? It's just mindboggling.

10/10/2006 7:01 AM  
Blogger carmachu said...

While worth every penny, wont happen...birds of a feather an all...

10/13/2006 1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just stumbled upon this blog. My friend is currently doing a PHD on Pyscology and relationships [or something like that] and I know he has been doing some celebrity spots so I will pass the address of this blog on to him. He may find it useful in his research.

Regards Simon dumville

12/01/2006 2:49 PM  
Anonymous A said...

J'emmerde le White Trash!

12/18/2011 5:20 AM  
Anonymous Isaiah said...

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2/28/2012 4:07 AM  

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