Miss Minnesota Search Leads to...a NEW DISCOVERY
So my 7 year old wants to be MISS MINNESOTA for Halloween. Why? No freakin' idea. We are not from Minnesota nor do we have a large family from the great state. Since I am a WTM, I stopped questioning the "WHY" of such decisions long ago and started out in search of her MISS MINNESOTA costume for Halloween.
Have any of you ever tried to find an evening gown for a 48 pound, 7 year old girl? Well, now I can say that I HAVE tried to find such an clothing item and while trying to shop in "brick and mortar" stores, LET ME TELL YOU THE LOOKS I HAVE GOTTEN. Faster than you can say...Jon Bene', the sales clerks are tag-teaming me in the store----one trying to get me O-U-T of their store while the other one attempts to "hot-line" me to Social Services.
So I went searching online, in an attempt NOT to have child services coming to my door, wondering why I want an evening gown type of get up for a size 6x. WTM's don't even "go there" about the Halloween costume stores-----there is not a "Miss America" type of costume at any of them in my area. Anyway----in my attempts to fulfill my sweety-pea's desire to be Miss Minnesota WHILE not SOCIAL SERVICES coming to question me-----I turn to the Internet.
It is on the Internet that I discover, something unknown to me until now....Pageant wear for children.
Okay, call me a Bee-och but would one of you guys please tell me what is up with the whole "dress your 6 year old like a hooker" deal with the child and child/teen beauty contests? Clue me in if this is something that is okay or let me know what you think. My first reaction (being kind of bitchy) is to totally MAKE FUN of it all. However, I am awaiting my o so loyal and smart WTM readers to fill me in-----is this beauty contest for kid thing as cheesy as it looks or am I missing something? Readers?
Remember...If you can't say something nice....Come over and sit with me.